by Jennifer | Sep 1, 2022 | Blog
Informant Widgets can help add an extra layer of customization and more glanceable options to display your productivity. Take a whack at Widgets today! To install a Widget, choose a blank space on your home screen and hard press. You’ll see your App icons start...
by Jennifer | Aug 22, 2022 | Blog
How to set and achieve SMART goals. Set your Goals Today! Clarity is vital for the achievement of SMART goals. Your dream or goal must be specific and clear and should not be vague. As you build this SMART goal foundation, remember the following: Clarity is...
by Jennifer | Aug 12, 2022 | Blog
Save money, and sanity today! Have you ever seen a tankless water heater? They’re pretty cool and when I bought my house, I was pretty excited to have one! Of course, I didn’t research anything about them and didn’t realize that they required...
by Jen | Aug 8, 2022 | Blog
Happy International Cat Day! To celebrate we have set up a scavenger hunt of hidden cats throughout our website and blog. Find them all and go down in Pocket Informant’s Hiss-tory! 5 randomly selected users who find at least 5 cats will get a free year of...
by Jennifer | Jul 14, 2022 | Blog
If you’re not using a SMART goals foundation when you set a goal, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Guaranteed. There’s a world of difference between setting a goal and achieving a goal. If you’re serious about goal setting, here’s what the high achievers know...
by Jennifer | Jul 13, 2022 | Blog
Informant for Web Beta is a great way to sync Informant tasks and events to any computer. With the ability to sync tasks, events, and use calendaring, Informant for Web is another great way to keep up with your daily schedule. To access Informant for Web, you can do...
by Jennifer | Jun 22, 2022 | Blog
Informant’s Email to Task is a feature used for taking emails and turning them into tasks within in your Informant App. With customizable properties and rich or plain text options, Email to Task is a robust choice to add into your productivity bag! Try out Email...
by Jennifer | Jun 14, 2022 | Blog
Tracking your time, even if just for a few days, can make you aware of whether you’re spending time on what’s actually important to you. Time tracking sounds like a hassle, but it takes less time and attention than you might think. Plus, doing so lets you discover how...
by Jennifer | May 25, 2022 | Blog
Planning a vacation with your kids can be overwhelming. Crossing time zones, driving directions, schedules, and finding time to do everything can take the magic out of a trip pretty quickly. Here are just a few ways Informant can help you keep the wind in your sails!...
by Jennifer | May 13, 2022 | Blog
It can be tough to choose a Calendar and Task app that fits all of your needs. Why use Informant when you can easily use the native calendar and task apps that are already installed on your device? We’ve made a handy comparison chart to show your options with...
by Jennifer | Apr 22, 2022 | Blog
Being a Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master requires a lot of preparation and organization. Keeping up with monster stats, player availability, and game times can become a jumbled mess. Informant can help keep your games on time and your table full. Knowing when...
by Jennifer | Apr 11, 2022 | Blog
Informant offers several different calendar views that provide distinct ways to display your information. With options like the ability to color specific dates, and the capacity to add filtered views, we make your calendars glanceable and customizable to your...