by Alex Kac | Sep 17, 2014 | Blog, Developer Diary, Featured, Releases
iOS 8 has been released today and its a pretty exciting release! For Informant there are some really exciting new features as well – such as the ability to integrate with TouchID, custom alarm actions, Today Widgets, extensions, and more! We’ve been...
by Alex Kac | Sep 11, 2014 | Blog, Developer Diary, Featured
Its been awhile since our last update and that’s because we’ve been heads down working so hard that frankly getting some air to breathe was hard enough 🙂 So here is a quick message on where we are at: Desktop Informant Chris has continued to work hard on...
by Alex Kac | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog
We are physically shipping Informant Beacon orders today. We were about a week delayed from our original schedule because we’re new at this and we flubbed a few things in getting the beacons in to us, but we got them this week and have been testing them to make...
by Alex Kac | Jul 19, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Releases
Recently I was asked why I spend so much time in the Forums when our customer support team could be doing that instead; honestly I just really enjoy hearing from our customers and working with them on real solutions to their every day problems. That’s what...
by Alex Kac | Jul 1, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Releases
Today we released version 4.01 for iOS. You’ll probably see it in your App updates over the next few days. We strongly recommend upgrading from 4.00 to 4.01 as we’ve taken a lot of feedback and support cases and worked hard to make sure that the release...
by Alex Kac | Jun 26, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Releases
We’ve been hard at work on a Mac desktop version of Informant for some time – and we’ve still got a lot of work to do. The Mac version has been our focus for a few different reasons – with a primary reason that we are Mac developers and so...
by Alex Kac | Jun 23, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Releases
Wow – we’ve really excited about the release of version 4.0! The amount of great positive feedback we’ve received from users and from people trial-ing the Premium features has been astounding. Some of the most positive feedback we received was over...
by Alex Kac | Jun 22, 2014 | Blog
We recently release Informant 4 for iOS and we’ve gotten a really great reaction to it. So what about Android?! We’ve recently released a pretty substantial update for Android that added: Task and Note view redesign Optional Franklin Covey task priorities...
by Alex Kac | Jun 11, 2014 | Blog, Featured
Today I’m excited to announce a major release of Pocket Informant 4.0 for iOS as well as a re-branding of our sync service. Version 4.0 re-imagines what a calendar and task PIM looks like and works like on a mobile device. Beyond it’s cleaner lines and...
by Alex Kac | Jun 6, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Opinion
WebIS was founded in June of 1997 – its been 17 years. Wow. I have been going to meetings hosted by partners for developers since 2001. It started off with Handango who was one of the biggest app stores during that time, then became Microsoft, and then Apple...
by Alex Kac | Jun 4, 2014 | Blog, Opinion
I’m in San Francisco doing some meetings and taking in some parties – note these are work parties, but I do get some good food and drink. One thing that kept coming up constantly was: What was your favorite announcement at WWDC? I always ask them in what...