Happy New Year from Our Support Team!
Happy New Year! I love January as it is a time of new beginnings. As such, I want to help (you) our faithful Informant customers, get off to a great start in 2016 by clearing up some of the most common questions we get in support. Hundreds of times each week we seem...Informant for OS X Menu Today, floating
If you are using Desktop Informant, did you know that you can tear off the Informant Today menu and use it as a floating window? Simply tap on the menu to open it, and then drag on any part of the edge of the window. You’ll end up with something like this:Its been 10 months and I still love my Watch, how about you?
I don’t wear my Apple watch all the time because I do have dry skin in the winter and anything on my wrist eventually irritates it, but I wear it nearly 100% of the time when I’m out. It helps me disconnect from my phone and stop looking at my phone for...Informant and Coffee [Giveaway] Winner announced!
January 11, 2016 – Thank you all so much for your participation! It was fun to read how everyone benefits from technology in a personal way. The winner of this giveaway is rpfarrah@gmail.com – “I am very task-oriented. I work off of a priorited...WebIS, Inc. is now Fanatic Software Inc.
In 1997 I started a small consulting firm in Austin, Texas designing the back-end of websites and I called my company Web Information Solutions. It was designed to give the idea that we focused on the information side of web technology – not on the artwork. We...Informant Sync Expiration Dialog
I’ve been reading some of the App Store reviews and while the vast majority are 4 or 5 stars, the 1 and 2 star ones sometimes drive me up the wall because sometimes the issue is a misunderstanding, sometimes its an expectation that for $10 you get 10 years of...To Organize or Not To Organize, That Is The Question
In the spirit of Alex’s post I thought that I would take a moment to explain the way I organize and how I process the activities of life. I am not a great multi-tacker like Alex: for me its all about completion, I am a finisher. In my mind everything is...Organized Simplicity – AKA “Fake it Till You Make It”
I’m not organized by nature. Procrastination is my middle name, and last minute is my motivation. Just being honest here. I have aspirations of having all of my ducks in a row…and then real life kicks in, and yep…there it goes. First, let me explain just a...Surviving Life during the Holidays with Pocket Informant
“What else was I supposed to do today? I am pretty sure I got everything. Do you remember the address of the holiday party we are going to tonight?” I’ve been using Informant on my Android phone for years now and haven’t uttered those words since, especially during...Read moreTo be fair, I’m an extreme multi-tasker and can handle doing up to about 3 or 4 things simultaneously: phone call, text message, email, and coding – but that only works when I don’t have to organize as I’m doing all those things.