by Wesley Sandlin | Mar 9, 2019 | Blog
Apple has the update and they are reviewing it. Once approved it will be released. They do not offer any schedule and make no promises on when this will occur. Our expedited request was accepted so I’m going to be optimistic and choose sooner rather than...
by Wesley Sandlin | Mar 8, 2019 | Blog
This is just an informational post to let you know that Informant 5.44 has a bug that will lock users out of the application after install and the restore purchase function will not work. We have identified and fixed the issue and have sent the update to Apple for...
by Wesley Sandlin | Mar 8, 2019 | Blog
Informant 5.44 has arrived!! This update includes the following fixes/improvements- – Crash when selecting a map location is Fixed – Event/Note/Task Titles are limited to 200 characters to prevent a sync error Implemented – Small enhancements to the title...
by Wesley Sandlin | Mar 7, 2019 | Blog
“Why is MY bug not fixed yet?” A simple question with a not so simple answer that we would like to try and explain. Any update for Informant is of the best quality that we can release at that time. The Informant application IS tested both internally and...
by Wesley Sandlin | Feb 20, 2019 | Blog
We are pleased to announce that Informant for Android 4.20.39 is now available! This update fixes the following- An issue regarding the templates being locked out Removal of a link to a retired companion application A handful of other minor bug fixes and minor...
by Wesley Sandlin | Feb 20, 2019 | Blog
We are pleased to announce that Informant 5.43 is here!! This update includes the following fixes/improvements- – Moving an event in the focus/agenda view should not go past the day’s beginning and end times. – Smart filters will not lose their...
by Wesley Sandlin | Feb 20, 2019 | Blog
Great news! Informant for Mac version 1.1.5 Is Here! This update includes the following fixes/updates- – Smart filters will not lose their rules when they are synced – Weather is more reliable, for some users the weather would take a long time to load or...
by Wesley Sandlin | Feb 7, 2019 | Blog
Today we want to let our Android customers know that the companion application to Informant for Android, a package called Follow Up is being retired and removed from Google Play. Development and support for Informant for Android will continue. Follow up was a free...
by Wesley Sandlin | Jan 30, 2019 | Blog
Later today 1/30/2019 Informant 5.42 will be available. The release notes are posted below. An important change to make note of is that this will be the LAST version of Informant that will run on iOS 10. In Informant 5.42 we have fixed or added the following items-...
by Wesley Sandlin | Jan 15, 2019 | Blog
At the start of each new year both personally and professionally most of us look down the road and make plans and set goals. Some call these new years resolutions. Its energizing to look a the new year a clean blank slate and imagine all the great things that will...
by Keith | Dec 28, 2018 | Blog
We are happy to announce a new update for Informant for macOS is now available. Informant for macOS version 1.1.4 – Critical Update This version has: Critical update for the weather feed. We were recently notified that our weather vendor (Weather Underground)...
by Keith | Dec 20, 2018 | Blog, Releases
Informant for iOS 5.41 is scheduled for release late December 2018 (currently submitted to Apple) • Changed to a new weather provider, DarkSky. The previous weather provider (WeatherUnderground) shut down the API/feed that Informant was using. You must install this...