We are about near the end of our beta testing of Watch Informant – and its an exciting time! This sunday I fly to San Francisco and sit in line for 10 hours to get into the Apple Keynote (I know I don’t have to – but I really enjoy meeting other developers in line and being up there; it makes the conference for me). Then a whirlwind of new iOS 9/OS X 10.11 material, lab sessions, and networking. I’m really excited about the MacWorld party on Tuesday night – its one of my favorites right behind Apple’s own Thursday night bash. Okay – enough bragging 🙂 (though seriously I’m stoked as this is the highlight of my year).

With WWDC coming, I’ll be working on Pocket Informant 5 even more heavily with our first major interface update in awhile. I’ll be looking to integrate as many new technologies as possible as well as focusing on making Informant the continued leader for mobile professionals.

Working on Pocket Informant 5 means that 4.7 with Watch Informant will also be done. So what’s new in 4.7?

  • Import Reminders automatically as an Informant Task to any Project within Informant. For example, import Reminders from your Siri default list into Informant Sync. This is really cool and makes Siri much more usable for me.
  • Backup/Restore to any iOS 8 cloud provider
  • Watch Informant. Yeah, its here and here are some screenshots:

We will be continuing to beta test 4.7 for just a couple more days and then submit to Apple on Monday. I’ve been greatly enjoying using my Apple Watch. In fact, here is a screenshot of my latest watch face – I’ve been really working on making it exactly what I want. I used the Module face for a long time, but really missed the analog look. So this gives me the analog look, and as I travel I have the digital clock at the bottom. And I love the minimalistic look as well.

Watch Face


On another front, we are also going to be releasing a pretty major update to Desktop Informant next week as well. I’ll go into detail on that one later, but suffice it to say a lot of people will be pretty happy 🙂

If you are in San Francisco and have time for a coffee – let me know via comments.