Informant offers several different calendar views that provide distinct ways to display your information. With options like the ability to color specific dates, and the capacity to add filtered views, we make your calendars glanceable and customizable to your preferences.

The calendar view selector will appear the same for both iOS and Android in the app nav bar, and has the same options except that iOS has an additional Focus View.. This will allow you to show your calendar in various formats.

Using Filters within in your Calendars on iOS makes it easy to see only the information you want when you have a calendar full of events.
For instance, being a Superhero is a tough job. You have to keep things running smoothly in your day-to-day life, but be ready to change into a crime-fighting, cat-saving, cape-wearing hero at a moment’s notice. Using a filter can help by only showing events saved in your super-secret Superhero Calendar.
Alternatively, using filters to show things that need to be done in your everyday life makes things easy as well.

In order to filter calendar data on Android, simply tap the 3 button menu in the bottom right and select “Visible Calendars”. This will allow you to choose which calendar’s data to show or turn off.

Whether you need to keep up with leaping buildings in a single bound or remember whether today is leg day or shoulder day, using Informant’s different Calendar Views makes things easy to sort and keep track of. Up, up, and away!