Deprecated: Function wc_get_log_file_path is deprecated since version 8.6.0 with no alternative available. in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Release Notes: Informant for macOS – Pocket Informant

Hey all – Milestone 8.5.1 (Informant for macOS) is now live for all users.
Here are the official public release notes:

• Fixed issue where sometimes you might see gaps in your recurring events
• Fixed issue where multi-day repeating events would show duplicate occurrences in certain situations
• Fixed issue with Google Task sync where clearing a due date wouldn’t sync that change back up to Google
• Using an emoji as part of your search string should now work properly
• In alarms on all day events, the description of the start time was a day off
• Fixed issue where Informant Helper may not properly launch automatically
• Snooze and Complete options weren’t working from Informant alarms/notifications (regression in M8.5)
• Location suggestions are now properly updated as you keep typing your location (in M8.5, the list would grow with duplicate suggestions)
• Autocomplete suggestions in the location field now includes relevant Contact addresses
• Fixed crash when typing a location if Informant was not granted access to Contacts
• Fixed crash if you opened a support request that included your database while Informant was on the Task view
• Show leading 0’s for 24hr time
• Overdue tasks in Stacked Week View now respect the Overdue color
• Project Editor was not selecting the sync account properly when editing a Reminder list
• The section header show/hide buttons didn’t work in Notes View
• Informant would hang if you attempt to select a multi-day event in the past that spanned multiple weeks while you were in Month View
• Sometimes Month View wouldn’t update properly if you dragged an item from one of the top visible rows to the bottom visible row
• A couple features wouldn’t work as expected while Informant was in Trial Mode
• Smart filters with the following rule pattern wouldn’t work correctly: Tasks Completed within the last X days. <b>NOTE:</b> If you have made a rule like this on Informant for macOS, you will need to edit the rule and re-save it for it to get fixed.
• When editing an all day event and changing it to a timed event, the time zone picker now properly selects “Local”
• Fixed some layout issues with the custom recurrence rule editor in German
• Don’t show the “Repeat from Completion Date” option when editing an Apple Reminder
• Removing a project from Informant Sync should make the project be local instead of completely removing it
• Several internal improvements to how Apple Reminders and Events are handled / updated
• Fixed a couple situations where the date previewed in the Quick Entry window wasn’t the actual date assigned to a new calendar item
• If your Default Task Project was set to a Google Task project, the setting was ignored and it would always default to Google’s default project
• If you had an All Day event on a DST transition and you dragged it to a new date, it would convert that event to a 2 day event
• Updated Localizations
• Several internal performance and stability improvements
• Minor visual improvements