by Keith | Apr 20, 2020 | Blog
If you’re working from home, it’s easy to sit back and avoid the initiative until you get a new set of directions, and to hold off until a boss or supervisor tells you specifically what to do. After all, “doing nothing” is one of the most popular ways to fight changes...
by Keith | Apr 17, 2020 | Blog
Psychological paychecks have always been important, but never more important than now. Their cost is next to nothing, yet the value is inestimable. Right now, you may not be in a position to give your team members more in terms of tangible rewards. Increases in pay or...
by Keith | Apr 16, 2020 | Blog
Leading a remote team is challenging. Leading a remote team during a pandemic might be close to impossible. So, what can you rightfully ask of employees during times like these? Not blind loyalty. Right now, you need something different than just allegiance from...
by Keith | Apr 15, 2020 | Blog
Finding your way forward We’re all a little shell shocked. Our ears are still ringing and eyes still blurry from the explosion of COVID-19 across the globe. We’ve now had a few weeks to absorb the blow, and it’s time to realize that we are standing at a crucial...
by Keith | Apr 14, 2020 | Blog
If you are a business owner, you likely have experienced some of the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world. COVID-19 has negatively impacted the economy, sending it into one of the worst recessions ever. Most business owners were not ready to handle...
by Wesley Sandlin | Mar 23, 2020 | Blog
Fixed- Crash when doing a horizontal line in notes Text highlighting issue when in Dark Mode Trouble Seeing Icons when in Dark Mode New or Improved- Added development support for macOS Catalina We have the best customers in the world and we want to thank you for being...
by Wesley Sandlin | Jan 28, 2020 | Blog
We are happy to share with you the following Release Notes for Pocket Informant 5.55 Fixed! Fixed readability issues of the widget in iOS Dark Mode Fixed subscribed calendars can be added via url to Informant once again Fixed issue on non-home button devices where...
by Wesley Sandlin | Dec 23, 2019 | Blog
We are happy to share with you the following Release Notes for Pocket Informant 5.54 Fixed! Fixed ability to toggle NLP (Natural Language Parsing) on and off. This is done with a new gesture. Open a blank task or event editor and double tap the title field to...
by Wesley Sandlin | Nov 7, 2019 | Blog
An example of how to use subtasks. Subtasks are cool with Pocket Informant, and here’s how to use this feature! Often it’s more efficient to break up a top level task into smaller pieces. Subtasks are merely a way to facilitate this. A task titled...
by Wesley Sandlin | Nov 7, 2019 | Blog
Dear Pocket Informant, I want to build my son a tree house, can Pocket Informant help with this project? YES!!! Pocket Informant can help you to get that tree house built. Pocket Informant can help you with any type of project you may have that has a list of smaller...
by Wesley Sandlin | Nov 4, 2019 | Blog
Pocket Informant 5.52 Is Here!!! We are happy to share with you the following Release Notes for Pocket Informant 5.52 Fixed! Fixed Task View Search Function Fixed Notes View Search Function Fixed Popover Views of Tasks and Events cutting off the tops of the Title...
by Wesley Sandlin | Oct 24, 2019 | Blog
Recurrences can be used to add some automation to your task list and save you time. Using recurrences with subtasks is like a having a Black Belt in time management productivity ninja skills! Like any advanced skill, practice is the key to success. We urge you to...