if (strlen($theVersion) > 0) {
Vintage Electronic Download Purchases (Windows Mobile, Mobihand BlackBerry, etc..)
if ($_REQUEST["_function"] != 'resendcheck') { ?>
This page does not apply to any purchases made via Android Marketplace, Amazon, Apple App Store, or other App Stores.
} else if ($_REQUEST["_function"] == 'resendcheck')
$bWasSuccessful = false;
echo "
//Now check for required form elements
if (strlen($_REQUEST[‘EmailAddress’]) == 0 || $_REQUEST[‘EmailAddress’] == ‘E-mail’)
ERROR: “>Please enter the email address you purchased our products under (you may try all of them one at a time>
//Registration can now work
$sName = strtr($_REQUEST['EmailAddress'], "'", "''");
//Registration can now work
$dbConn = WebIS_DBConnect();
$sqlstr = "select OrderNumber,RegistrationCode, bDisabled,iSoftwareID,szProduct, tsOrder from SoftwareRegistration where (EmailAddress like '$sName' and szOEMSerial1 is NULL) order by IDNum desc";
$result = mysql_query($sqlstr);
$number = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($number > 0)
echo ‘
$subject = “WebIS Software Registration Keys (Keep this email for future upgrades)”;
$myname = “WebIS Registration/Support”;
$myemail = “”;$message = “Thank you for your purchase! Included in this email is your registration Key as well as other important information.\nSAVE THIS EMAIL, THE INFORMATION IN IT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR YOUR PURCHASE.\n\n”;
while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))
$OrderNum = $line[‘OrderNumber’];
$regCode = $line[‘RegistrationCode’];
$iSoftwareID = $line[‘iSoftwareID’]; //Found the record
$szProduct = $line[‘szProduct’];//Now check for same ownername
if ($line[‘bDisabled’] == true)
$bOKRegister = false;
Order Number echo $OrderNum ?> has been disabled. Please contact Support.
} else { $contactname = $_REQUEST['EmailAddress']; $contactemail = $_REQUEST['EmailAddress']; if ($iSoftwareID == 2) $productName = "Pocket Informant 2.6"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 3) $productName = "Pocket Informant 3"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 4) $productName = "Pocket Informant 4"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 5) $productName = "Pocket Informant 5"; else if ($szProduct == 'PI6') $productName = "Pocket Informant 2005"; else if ($szProduct == 'PI7') $productName = "Pocket Informant 2007"; else if ($szProduct == 'PI8_PPC') $productName = "Pocket Informant 8 for Pocket PC"; else if ($szProduct == 'PI8_SP') $productName = "Pocket Informant 8 for Smartphone"; else if ($szProduct == 'PI9_PPC') $productName = "Pocket Informant 9 for Pocket PC"; else if ($szProduct == 'PI9_SP') $productName = "Pocket Informant 9 for Smartphone"; else if ($szProduct == 'PIBB_1') $productName = "Pocket Informant for BlackBerry"; else if ($szProduct == 'PIBB_2') $productName = "Pocket Informant 2 for BlackBerry"; else if ($szProduct == 'PISP_1') $productName = "Pocket Informant for Smartphone"; else if ($szProduct == 'FWMOBILE') $productName = "WebIS FlexWallet 2006"; else if ($szProduct == 'FWDP') $productName = "WebIS FlexWallet 2006"; else if ($szProduct == 'FWBB') $productName = "WebIS FlexWallet for BlackBerry"; else if ($szProduct == 'FWLegacy') $productName = "WebIS Two Peaks FlexWallet 2005 and below"; else if ($szProduct == 'MSP') $productName = "WebIS Mobile Sync"; else if ($szProduct == 'Money') $productName = "WebIS Money"; else if ($szProduct == 'Toolbox') $productName = "WebIS Toolbox"; else if ($szProduct == 'PICT') $productName = "PI Correct Time"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 50) $productName = "Journal Sync for Pocket Informant"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 51) $productName = "Journal Sync 2 for Pocket Informant 2007"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 100) $productName = "FlexMail 2006"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 101) $productName = "FlexMail 2007"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 102) $productName = "FlexMail 4 for Pocket PC"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 103) $productName = "FlexMail 4 for Smartphone"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 700) $productName = "Note2Self"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 750) $productName = "Note2Self for BlackBerry"; else if ($iSoftwareID == 800) $productName = "Pocket Informant Calendar"; else continue; $message.= "$productName Registration Key: ".$regCode."\n\n"; $bWasSuccessful=true; ?>
=$productName ?>
Registration Key: =$regCode ?>
Email Address on Record: =$contactemail ?>
Order Number: =$OrderNum ?> made on =$line[tsOrder] ?>
} } //now email the message if ($bWasSuccessful) { $message.= "\n\nRegistered Email Address: ".$contactemail."\n"; $message.= "\nThank you!"; $headers = "From: ".$myname." <".$myemail.">\r\n”;$message .= “\n\nMailing Prefs: /mailprefs/\nSupport:\nWebIS Forums: /Forums/\n”;
mail($contactemail, $subject, $message, $headers);
//mail(“”, $subject, $message, $headers);
echo ‘
ERROR: “>This email address could not be found.
} ?>