Pocket Informant
This is the most productive you will ever feel on your iPhone or iPad!
Responsive Support
We believe that a product is only as good as the support behind it, and we strive to bring you the best! Our support team is always ready to answer any questions you may have, quickly and efficiently.
Single Purchase for iPhone/iPad
Don’t pay twice for the same app! We made Informant be Universal for iPhone and iPad and with a single in-app purchase, you enable the Premium feature set on all your Apple iOS-based devices.
Powerfully Designed
With fourteen years of mobile experience and 20 years working with Apple products, Pocket Informant is designed with the mobile professional in mind. Measure twice, cut once isn’t just a good idea: it forms the basis for how we approach our feature-set.
Sync Services
Need to get your events, tasks, or notes syncing between your iPhone, iPad, Android, Outlook, or Mac? We’ve got you covered! Informant supports your native iPhone Calendar or Reminders as well as syncing directly between Google Calendar, Tasks, Toodledo, Evernote, and Informant Sync.
Colors and Icons
Colors and Icons make your calendar items stand out. Quickly see how your events and tasks fill your day by looking at the icons and colors. Set icons on your sync accounts, calendars.
Natural Language Entry
Type (or speak*) naturally! Enter phrases like “Take out garbage every Friday at 8am” or “Coffee with Mom Tuesday at 8am”. Use our Quick Entry to enter new events or tasks in any view.
*Speech recognition requires iPhone 4S or later, 5th gen iPod Touch or 3rd gen iPad or later
List of All Features »

Full support for 3D Touch and iOS 9 Multi-tasking
On supported iPads running iOS 9, you can now Slideover Pocket Informant on top of any running application, or split-screen between two applications.
If you have an iPhone supporting 3D Touch, we support Quick Access Actions, Peek and Pop throughout the app.
Beautiful Interface Design
We’ve made it easier to create and edit events and tasks with a purely clean designed interface designed for simple power. Tap on an event to bring up its details – including the weather at its time and place. Tap on the “New” menu and bring up a list of templates to create events from quickly and easily. New Month and Day views with a cleaner, more vibrant look. Task and event data shown with a greater focus on your data – not the user interface chrome. Show your note/alarm/recurrence icons without looking cluttered.

Advanced Location Support
Version 4.0 now supports geofences with custom areas around your locations. Filter your calendar or task list by geofenced location. Geofencing works great for outdoor locations!
Get alerts for arriving, or leaving a geofenced area. Change your geofenced area from 100m to thousands of meters.
Unique Digital Month View
4.0 clears your calendar like no secretary can! We’ve rewritten our Month View from scratch to be cleaner, faster and unlike every other calendar app – we move beyond how paper calendars show your calendar. The Month View scrolls vertically and smoothly, showing each month with a dark line separating the months, and the month name as the first day.
This unique digital format goes beyond the limitations of paper calendar visuals by allowing multi-day events to smoothly and visually cross months and give you a real sense of the week you are in. It also gives you the ability to have the current week at the top of the screen so you see more of your future events. And the best part is unlike other calendars that try to bring together months – you won’t get lost in what month you’re looking at.

Help manage the timezone mess! Just create trips for whenever you travel and Pocket Informant will automatically setup your timezones for you – both inside and outside your trip dates! Dealing with timezones has never been easier!
- Events created during a travel period automatically get set to that timezone.
- During the travel period events created outside the travel period will use the home timezone.
- Events created outside the travel period for a time period outside a travel period are not affected by TravelAssist™.
- Events created on calendars with specific timezones ignore TravelAssist™.
Smart Title
Just starting typing and let Pocket Informant bring up your contacts or templates. Tap on a contact and create meetings or phone calls. Automatically bring in phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, locations with just a couple taps!
Building upon our powerful template function you can also now show often-used templates in our New menu – creating new events or tasks off a template with one tap!

New “Calendar Store”
Now available! Purchase subscriptions to your favorite calendars – Sports, Stock Exchange, etc – and see the data in Pocket Informant!
And so much more!
And so much more! Pocket Informant 4.0 has made dramatic improvements in dozens of areas throughout the app which give you faster and more powerful calendaring than any app on any platform today!
Complete List
- We now search all future iOS events and 15 years prior of iOS Events in addition to all Pocket Informant native events
- Details of events/tasks are now in a popover and have more functionality in general with tappable links
- If we have location info for the event, we also now show weather for that location and date
- Month View is now a vertical scrolling Rolling Month View
- Month Detail is now docked to the bottom half of the Month View
- Double Tap on Month Detail brings up the Day View in the Month View Docked area
- iPad no longer uses popovers for month detail, but a docked detail
- You can now print individual events, tasks, and any task list you see in the Task View
- Saved Calendar Filters can now be edited, and can be activated by geofenced or iBeacon locations
- Group by Completion in tasks view
- Tasks cells have had a major visual change:
- Priority is now shown on the left as a colored bar
- Context/Project is now shown more cleanly
- Icons on the right take up vertical space over horizontal space
- You can now hide or show the multi-select button
- Multi-select UI has changed by moving to an iOS 7 style under navigation bar, and the multi-select button is off by default (can be turned on in the Event/Task Display Customization settings
- We now open a contact when you tap on an iOS Birthday event
- Automatic backups are now enabled and user configurable
- Reminders now support the List color directly as a folder color and the old iOS_ tags have been removed
- Today/Calendar view now use a “new” menu for event/task/note. Templates can also be added to this list so you can create a new event or task from a template. Tasks view gets this new menu if there is a template made to show there.
- Introduced our new recurrence engine. It should be faster and better in many ways.
- Newest Fleksy.
- We’ve added the ability to recur events and tasks on 5th day of the week in month
- Rewritten handling of Pending Meeting invitations
- Timed Multi-day events now show up much better in the Month View
- Support for iOS 7 Dynamic Text size and more large text size options
- Allow conflict checking is now per calendar
- Ignore alarms of action Email/Procedure/SMS/None from Google