Desktop Informant Early Access update release notes show here. Please note that we have two releases at any one time: A stable Release and a Beta. To include yourself in the betas, simply go to the Preferences and select the Updates tab. Then select the “Include Nightly Builds”. Beta builds release notes do not show on this page – please check the emails being sent from the Early Access Google group. Remember to please use our Desktop Informant Google Group for all feedback, bug reports, etc. You will need a serial number for Informant to work past its trial. Visit the Desktop Informant Product Page to purchase a license key.
Early Access Release 7

We are extremely excited about this release of Informant for OS X – Release 7!

Remember to please use our Desktop Informant Google Group for all feedback, bug reports, etc. You will need a serial number for Informant to work past its trial. Visit the Desktop Informant Product Page to purchase a license key.


  • SEARCH is now fully implemented
  • New interface for SUBTASK/CHECKLIST creation by hovering over a task cell in Tasks View. The UI shows up on the right hand side of the cell.
    • We will add this functionality to Focus View in a future release.
    • Simply hover over a task in Tasks View and click on the new control. If its a plain task with no parent or child, it’ll ask you if you want to create a subtask or checklist item. If it already has a type – it’ll just create that type.
  • New animated checkboxes provide better visual feedback:
    • Checkbox now shows percentage complete
  • Default Task Alarms are now available
  • Informant Events now support Attendees. Apple Calendar events will show attendees which you can also act upon.
  • New animated checkboxes provide better visual feedback
  • Month View now supports the BACKGROUND and NONE color options
  • Added DRAG AND DROP in the following places:
    • Drag an event or task in Tasks, Week, Days, or Month View to the mini-month dates on the sidebar
    • Drag an event to a calendar on the sidebar
    • Drag and drop in Focus View is not yet enabled
  • Informant Today has the following improvements:
    • Right click on tasks to delete and other commands now properly work
    • Quick Entry is now focused when you bring up the Informant Today menu
    • You can now Filter the events by calendar
    • Weather
    • We now have Weather preferences and weather in the Informant Today menu, Days, Focus View, Staggered Week, and Month views.
    • We identified a change in Google’s logic that in some cases as of January 2016 would create a revolving neverending sync
  • Reset the Trial from Release 6
  • Alarm Preferences – you can now set Alarm sound preferences
  • Major performance improvements in many places

Early Access Release 5 (May 12th, 2015)

Desktop Informant Early Access Release 5 is now available.

After over a month of beta testing we are ready to release Release 5. You may need to re-download the app to install this update. There are extensive improvements/changes so please read the change list below. Remember to please use our Desktop Informant Google Group for all feedback, bug reports, etc. You will need a serial number for Informant to work past its trial. Visit the Desktop Informant Product Page to purchase a license key.


  • Visuals have been rewritten and polished
  • Added next/previous tab keyboard shortcuts
  • Templates are now available
  • Task View’s Grouping/Sorting is now fully complete
  • Informant Menu now gives you a month picker and Quick Entry
  • Apple Calendars in the Filter sidebear are now grouped by their source
  • Sidebar now has a mini-month view for navigation
  • Week View has been renamed Days view and you can now show 1, 5, 7, or 14 days
  • Appearance Preferences are more complete
  • Many Editor improvements and polish, including supporting CMD-S to save the editor entry
  • Combined Sync Account and Project menu in the task editor
  • Synchronization improvements for Informant Sync, Toodledo, and Google
  • Improvements to drag and drop and context menus for events and tasks
  • You can now edit the item color of an event or task
  • You can now set a color for a Project
  • Emoji picker now supports OS X 10.10.3 new Emoji
  • Minor improvements in Quick Entry


  • Many crashes and bugs have been squashed. You will find Desktop Informant much more responsive and reliable.
Beta Releases
Please read the beta release notes for each release.
Early Access Release 4


  • Task Grouping/Sorting is now implemented in the Tasks List (saving state is not yet implemented)
  • Added splitter for Week View All Day section (its still a work in progress)
  • Mini Month View is now in Menubar
  • You can now share a calendar by right clicking on a calendar and selecting “Share”
  • You can now share backup files via OS X’s sharing mechanism
  • Added a progress indicator if task view reload will take a while
  • Added option for Week View to show a variable number of days from 1-7
  • Ignore some sync warnings that just annoy users when in background or otherwise
  • Improved Task Cell layout
  • Added a left space in timed week view so users can create events in same times as other events
  • Improved editor changes to the views happening instantly


  • Fixed a crash when canceling some sheets
  • Menubar popover now closes more reliably when clicking outside itself
  • Fixed quite a few memory leaks
  • If login fails during sync, we now bring up the Login
  • Toodledo Keepalive retry is now 15 seconds instead of 2
  • Erase Local Sync is now a background operation
  • Fixed an issue where dismissing the license key window would bring up the intro window
  • Testing some ideas to fix an issue where some people are getting the registration dialogs on startup
  • Fixed an issue in Year/Month Views where multiple tabs of the same controller would cause the tapping popover to show multiple times
  • Fix crash with ApplicationSyncController crashing when a change of autosync notification occurs on a background thread
  • Worked with Sam (a beta user) to fix bugs with Google Calendar sync
  • Added checks for frame nan in content offset that would cause a crash on startup

Current Known Issues

(not necessarily an exhaustive list)

  • Month Header will be separated from the calendar if you launch Informant with multiple tabs and month view is on one of those tabs
  • If you launch Informant into week view with the sidebar collapsed, the day of week labels won’t be centered
  • If you launch Tasks View without the Task mini-tab selected – the task list will be empty
Early Access Release 3


  • Month, Week, and Year View now scroll by week, day, or year
  • You can now set an Application Badge for Tasks
  • Rewrote the Google Calendar “Calendars to Sync” behavior to match iOS
  • Added ability to add Subscribed ICS calendars
  • Added ability to drag an ICS file to the main window instead of just the dock icon
  • Added Main Window menu item to bring up the main window if you close it
  • The “New” menu now works
  • Task Priority is now on the left for the main tasks view and on the right for the narrow one because the disclosure triangle gets in the way on the narrow side


  • Fix an issue where we were relying on an Event’s read-only status but not the calendars in some cases
  • Task editor shouldn’t show free/busy status
  • Improved the tabbing in the editors
  • Fixed a few potential crashes in Focus and Week View
  • Fixed a few issues with Google Calendar’s sync in regards to “Calendars to Sync” and adding an account
  • Focus View reload all data on day change to potentially fix an issue where events are off after
  • Narrow Outline view has an indent half of regular which allows the subtask disclosure triangle to show
  • Week View now updates titles on date change
  • Tasks that have a zig-zag at the top in Week View/Focus View now give more room for drawing their title
  • Fixed issue where turning on Apple Calendar events could access a calendar store on the wrong thread
  • All Day events need to default to “free”
  • Fixed a potential crash starting up related to location parsing for Mac events
  • Fixed a few issues when importing an ICS file
  • Only show 1 month name in the month header
  • Fixed potential issues paging through months when you land exactly at the edge of a cell boundary.
  • Fixed issue you could bump into if you advanced “very quickly” back & forth through the months (you could land in the year 2000 because our visibleDateRange was very briefly empty).
  • Remove the close button in Preferences being disabled
  • Fixed some potential crashes with the web views
  • Fixed issue on week view where all Mac Events should show when you deselected all Mac calendars
  • Fixed a crash with Metadata in Google Tasks and elsewhere dealing with Event/Task colors

Current Known Issues

(not necessarily an exhaustive list)

  • Month Header will be separated from the calendar if you launch Informant with multiple tabs and month view is on one of those tabs
  • If you launch Informant into week view with the sidebar collapsed, the day of week labels won’t be centered
Early Access Release 2


  • Added Quick Entry to Informant Menu Bar item
  • Event editor now lets you set color (in the icon / color picker)
  • Added Task Preference to set the default project & sync account
  • Added a more intuitive way to change the default calendar (in Calendar Preferences)
  • Various cosmetic improvements & fixes throughout
  • Various task filters now have a “show completed” option (right click on the filter to show it)
  • The width of the sidebar should be preserved between launches now
  • Improved logic for which sync account to use when dragging a task to the inbox
  • Blocked the ability to do various things with Reminders that Apple doesn’t support (making subtasks, drag/dropping into tags, contexts, starred and next action filters)
  • NLP now shows you the calendar it plans to use for events & it shows task defaults
  • NLP assumes you mean tomorrow if you use a time prior to the current time
  • Changes to the “logging” preference are now applied immediately (doesn’t require relaunching app)
  • The current date is preserved when changing calendar views (instead of jumping back to today)
  • Hitting “escape” or “command-.” will cancel the editor and discard changes
  • Month & week view now respect the custom colors set in preferences
  • Added Google Task Metadata option


  • Release 2.1 Work Hours drawing issues are resolved
  • Release 2.1 Editing Work Hours is better behaved
  • Release 2.1 Fixed another area where Week Title could be (null)
  • Release 2.1 Try to do a better job of hiding the MiniMonth views on the sidebar
  • Release 2.1 Improved the consistency of the headers in Month and year view
  • Release 2.1 Fixed a crash with the Year View Controller when closing a tab (since we use this for the mini-month it could be in any tab)
  • Right-click-create event/task in Focus View wouldn’t always put the proper date in the editor
  • Worked around an OS X bug that caused some issues creating/duplicating All Day events on Apple calendars
  • Improved reliability of the “current time” indicator when putting a calendar view into a background tab
  • ISO Week Numbers in month view weren’t correct if your first day of week was Sunday
  • The “More…” popover in month & year view didn’t respect the current filter
  • Choosing a task project from the contextual menu is more reliable
  • Editing the title of a task “inline” (directly within the cell) would cause the context to be lost
  • Fixed a few start/due date interactions in the task editor
  • Potential workaround for Yosemite networking issue that affects Toodledo
  • Sometimes, event rows might appear blank when shown in a popover
  • Changing the icon on an Apple Calendar didn’t immediately get reflected in the visible calendar
  • Icon picker sizes the buttons correctly now
  • Fixed issue with heat map not showing in year view after jumping to date
  • After editing a task in the task tab, Informant would sometimes select a bunch of filters in the sidebar
  • Resolved a few crashes and hangs

Current Known Issues

(not necessarily an exhaustive list)

  • Month Header will be separated from the calendar if you launch Informant with multiple tabs and month view is on one of those tabs
  • Sometimes, after you edit an event on week view, the event bubble changes to half width (purely cosmetic issue)
  • If you launch Informant into week view with the sidebar collapsed, the day of week labels won’t be centered
  • Tabbing through editor fields isn’t always reliable
  • Month and Year View sometimes show the next/previous year in the header if event one pixel shows up – this will be resolved when we turn on row-paging

Not Yet implemented

 (coming in future builds in no particular priority/order)

  • iOS style Week View
  • Task Grouping / Sorting
  • Search
  • Icons on events/tasks don’t show in tableviews
  • Editor Improvements
    • Applying Templates in the editor
    • Map display
    • Live Location entry for Events/Tasks
    • Checklist editing
    • Subtask editing
  • Undo support
  • Agenda View
  • More appearance options such as
    • Multi-Line options
    • More color options
    • Font options
  • Tag filtering in all views (its currently only in Tasks view)
  • Sharing Events/Tasks – via iMessage, Email, etc…
  • Sending meeting invitations via your default Mail app
  • Localizations
  • Smart Filter creation
  • A large variety of fleshing out of existing features/menus. For example:
    • Quick Entry showing previous events, templates, and people names as quick entry options
    • Grouping of Mac Calendar sources in the calendar filter
    • Saved Filters in the calendar filter
    • Create projects from within the Task editor
Early Access Release 1

Known Issues

  • Month Header will be separated from the calendar if you launch Informant with multiple tabs and month view is on one of those tabs
  • Sometimes, after you edit an event on week view, the event bubble changes to half width (purely cosmetic issue)
  • If you launch Informant into week view with the sidebar collapsed, the day of week labels won’t be centered
  • Week / Month / Year view don’t yet “snap” to columns/rows

Not Yet implemented

 (coming in future builds in no particular priority/order)

  • Task Grouping / Sorting
  • Search
  • Icons on events/tasks don’t show in tableviews
  • Editor Improvements
    • Ability to manage event attendees & send invites (for non-Apple events)
    • Applying Templates in the editor
    • Map display
    • Live Location entry for Events/Tasks
    • Checklist editing
    • Subtask editing
  • Undo support
  • Agenda View
  • More appearance options such as
    • Multi-Line options
    • More color options
    • Font options
  • Tag filtering in all views (its currently only in Tasks view)
  • Better state saving
  • Sharing Events/Tasks – via iMessage, Email, etc…
  • Sending meeting invitations via your default Mail app
  • Localizations
  • Smart Filter creation
  • A large variety of fleshing out of existing features/menus. For example:
    • Quick Entry showing previous events, templates, and people names as quick entry options
    • Grouping of Mac Calendar sources in the calendar filter
    • Saved Filters in the calendar filter
    • Create projects from within the Task editor

Not Yet implemented

 (coming in future builds in no particular priority/order)(not an exhaustive list)

  • Search
  • Editor Improvements
    • Map display
    • Undo support
  • Agenda View
  • More appearance options such as
    • Multi-Line options
    • More color options
    • Timebars for Month View
  • Tag filtering in all views (its currently only in Tasks view)
  • Sending meeting invitations
  • Smart Filter creation
  • A large variety of fleshing out of existing features/menus. For example:
    • Quick Entry showing previous events, templates, and people names as quick entry options
    • Saved Filters in the calendar filter