[Informant for macOS 1.0 beta 6 is expected to be released the first week of November 2017]

If you have been following the development on Informant for macOS you will recognize that it has been going on for quite a while now and we have been using some different version numbering system to keep track of the progress.  We were using a Milestone 1, Milestone 2, etc… Recently we have gotten up to a Milestone 8.5.1-6.  Which is more than a little bit confusing. That is all going away as of the next release.  Now that we are so close to getting the feature complete we are going to start using the traditional versioning number followed by a “beta” tag.

So, the next release will be: Informant for macOS v1.0 – beta 6

We expect to have about 3 more beta releases before we take the beta tag off of it and at that time it will be the official Informant for macOS v1.0.

Milestone 9 beta 4 & 5 release notes

Milestone 8.5 beta 1 release notes

New Print features in Informant for macOS

Check out this blog post to see the differences between Informant for macOS and Informant for iOS 5

To download the latest beta builds inside Informant for macOS:

  1. Click File>>Preferences
  2. Check the box for Include Internal Builds


Do you have other specific questions about Informant for macOS?  Ask your questions in the comments section below.


Get Informant for macOS here