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Featured – Page 3 – Pocket Informant

Productivity Blowout Sale

Apple is currently having a productivity blowout sale for iOS and OS X. Pocket Informant isn’t on there because we don’t actually have a paid app – its a free app with a trial, and then a premium in-app purchase. In that spirit, we are putting...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Chris has spent the week getting ready for his Christmas Eve service as he handles all the lights and production at his church. Wes is ready for some rest 🙂 This week I’ve been working on all the backend registration aspects of PI Desktop as well as its update...

Mac Desktop

Back in the summer we talked a little about our Mac Desktop plans and its been awhile so I wanted to give you a status update. Chris has been hard at work on Mac Desktop for almost a year. A lot our iOS code is usable on the Mac, but almost all the UI isn’t....

User Video Contest

One area of marketing that we need to do better in is creating videos to show users how they can use Pocket Informant better than the other apps out there on iOS and Android. We have some videos we made for iOS – mostly as a help tool for support: Quick Entry,...

Using TravelAssist™ to see Wicked on Broadway

I grew up in New York City and loved being in the City, but when I grew up I moved to the more rural areas of Texas, and now Colorado. However once a year I’ve got to go to a big city and enjoy that life. Its in my blood. A few weeks ago I was blessed to go to...

Informant 4.1 for iOS 8

iOS 8 has been released today and its a pretty exciting release! For Informant there are some really exciting new features as well – such as the ability to integrate with TouchID, custom alarm actions, Today Widgets, extensions, and more! We’ve been...

Informant 4.02 for iOS Submitted to Apple

Recently I was asked why I spend so much time in the Forums when our customer support team could be doing that instead; honestly I just really enjoy hearing from our customers and working with them on real solutions to their every day problems. That’s what...